Root Cause Analysis

What is a Root Cause?

The root cause is the original reason that something has failed and the possibilities are endless.  Common examples of root causes are:

Actionable Results

Knowing the root cause is valuable because everything else, even failure modes, will not actually prevent future failures. We once saw a new tire that lost its tread because a plastic item had fallen into the raw rubber material. Just knowing the tire had failed was not enough to win a legal case. We had to show that the root cause was improper manufacturing. Just because a bolt has corroded and failed doesn't mean replacing all of the bolts every year will be cost-effective. Actionable data is money in manufacturing and industry and we are here to provide you with that.

Root Cause Case Study

If you would like to get a glimpse into what a root cause analysis looks like, check out our blog post on a corrosion study we performed.

• Superficial Quality Assurance

• Improper or Lack of Hardening

• Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Mismatch

• Unsuitable or Contaminated Materials

• Galvanic Cells

To get to the bottom of your failure, contact us.